Consociates L.L.C Flourishes with the participation of every coffee lover that enjoys the first cup of morning coffee to the last cup in the evening making it a full day of great taste great satisfaction great experience in flavor
We also will assemble a hiring process that offer college students part time employment. Helping those students who struggle with finances. Giving them flexible hours and competitive pay that will comfort them as well as motivate them to continue college, which theoretically helps them maintain great work ethics with us. Ads in the paper as well as house calls will be used to secure employment of staff.
Sign up to hear our latest news. consociates llc presents colombian ground grade a coffee we specialize in the 2.5 oz servings you get 8 to 10 servings multiple flavors and sold in 5 oz & 8oz also business
Colombian ground coffee
Pumpkin Spice Coffee
colombian 100%
Ask about our additional size packages and coffee flavors
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
($1.00 shipping)
2.5oz Columbian Roasted Hazelnut Cream Coffee quality, and the Coffee experience, we incorporate only the best ingredients in our Coffee and preserve freshness and great taste
($1.00 shipping)
2,55 0z
Colombian Roasted Coffee 2.5 oz
French Vanilla Coffee 2.5 oz
Please Ask about any flavor you don't see listed here for more information
($1.00 shipping)
100% Colombian Ground coffee
($1.00 shipping)
Consociates LLC presents Great tasting coffee enjoy a cup or two with friends in the comfort of your home your vacation or just chilling
($1.00 shipping)
Taste the freshness of Hazelnut cream makes 8 to 1o cups 2.5 0z .